
The purpose of this blog is to keep a record of media, my and other people's comment with regard to where the world's economy, environment, science, (or anything else I find interesting!) is heading. Hence the name. (I always seem to be referring people to articles I have read but can never find them again!)

Location: New Zealand

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

NZ Migration

New Zealand had a net migration gain of 7000 during 2005, just over half of the 15,100 gain of 2004, Statistics New Zealand said today.

There was a net loss of 25,000 New Zealand citizens during the year, with 49,200 departing permanently and 24,200 returning. The vast majority of departures were to Australia.
That loss of citizens was more than offset by a net gain of 32,000 non New Zealanders during the year, including 54,800 new arrivals offset by 22,800 departures.
A net 22,500 citizens left New Zealand for Australia - up 34% on 2004. It is the highest net loss to Australia since the net 24,600 who left during 2001.
New Zealand still had a brain gain during the year. There was a net gain of 1507 professionals. However there was a net loss of 85 technicians and associate professionals.
The was a net loss of 630 service and sales workers and 638 plant and machine operators


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