
The purpose of this blog is to keep a record of media, my and other people's comment with regard to where the world's economy, environment, science, (or anything else I find interesting!) is heading. Hence the name. (I always seem to be referring people to articles I have read but can never find them again!)

Location: New Zealand

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Finance Companies - warning

An interesting snip from the Herald- I would consider the drivers listed at the end (interest rate spike has already happened too) quite likely...

Downturn warning
22.11.05 7.40am

Debt rating agency Standard and Poor's says the New Zealand finance sector appears to be in reasonably sound state, but has echoed warnings by New Zealand regulators of the risks it faces in a downturn. S&P analyst Craig Bennett said in the current benign economic environment, most companies would generate profits sufficient to supports their ability to service their debenture issues. The levels of non-performing assets across the industry would remain manageable. But an unexpected spike in interest rates or unemployment, deterioration in property prices, or an economic downturn, will take its toll on the finance company sector.


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